Friday, September 21, 2012

Pinch Pot

Coil Pot

My pot ended up pretty much how I wanted it to. The clay didn't always do what i wanted it to do. When I was making the design, it was hard to control the lines so I put some water over where I was making the lines to make it easier. I also had the sides too think so I used a tool to thin it out a lot. I liked the way it turned out and I don't think I would of changed anything.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Pinch Pot: Vase

Eye Level
Bird's Eye View

  • What does it mean to "slip and score?" Slip and score is when you cut ridges into the clay where you are connecting it to another piece. You then place water onto where you have cut and then connect the two pieces.
  • Why is it important to slip and score two pieces of clay together? It is important to slip and score because it is a good way to connect two pieces of clay together. If you don't then they will break apart later.
  • What steps did you take to make your piece symmetrical?  To make my vase symmetrical, I pinched the sides until it felt like they all were the same. If my vase was leaning more one way then I would bang the bottom of the vase to make it more even and straight.